Meetings and Events in Mexico
Promotion and integration of a family perspective
August 2021
The director of International Relations of IFFD visited Mexico and took part in many meetings and events, organized by the Mexican Instituto de Análisis de Política Familiar, to promote the family perspective in regional and local legislation, as well as the preparations for the 30th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family.
As part of those events, the first Forum of Family Sustainable Cities was held in Mexico City with the participation of more than 25 mayors from different cities and other representatives from municipalities, as a consequence of their interest and signature of the Venice Declaration, as proposed by IFFD in the Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Families project.

Meeting with the Consejo Consultivo Estatal de Perspectiva Familiar at Queretaro, with more than 100 other local authorities.

Meeting with the Secretary of Education of the State, the President of the Universidad Tecnologica de Queretaro and other political authorities.

Meeting with representatives of education, care and health institutions organized by the Sistema Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral de las Familias in Guanajuato.

Inauguration of the regional Organo Ciudadano de la Secretaria de la Familia of Aguascalientes, established by the Governor and composed of representatives of civil society.
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