In Events

Meetings and Events in Brazil

Promotion of IFFD Projects

July-August 2021

The director of International Relations of IFFD visited Brazil and took part in many meetings and events, with the collaboration of Family Talks, to promote the Inclusive Cities project and the preparations for the 30th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family.

Besides the ones shown below, there was a meeting with the new Secretário Adjunto de Relaçoes Internacionais da Prefeitura de Sao Paulo, the Secretário de Estado do Planejamento e Projetos Estruturantes at Governo do Estado do Paraná, some professors from UNINOVE and other professionals who are collaborating with the work of IFFD in Brazil.

Meeting with the ministra federal da Mulher, da Família e dos Direitos Humanos and the Secretaria Nacional da Família, in Brasilia.
Lecture to the team of the Secretaria Nacional da Família do Governo Federal, in Brasilia.
Meeting with the Secretaria Nacional da Família do Governo Federal, the Diretora do Departamento de Equilíbrio Trabalho-Família, the Secretário Nacional dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente and the Secretária Nacional de Proteçao Global, in Brasilia.
Meeting with the Secretaria Nacional de Esporte, Educação, Lazer e Inclusão Social do Governo Federal and her team, in Brasilia.
Meeting with 8 members of the federal Câmara dos Deputados, in Brazilia.
Interview at the federal Câmara dos Deputados, in Brasilia.
Meeting with the Secretary of Family at the regional Governo do Distrito Federal and his team, in Brasilia.
Online debate with around 200 members of local governments organized by LIBCOM - Instituto Liberdade e Comunidade, in Sao Paulo.
Meeting organized by Family Talks at Bourbon Ibirapuera Convention Hotel, in Sao Paulo.
Meeting with the Secretária de Relações Federativas e Internacionais do Rio Grande do Sul, in Brasilia.
Meeting with the Prime Minister of the State Government and the President of the Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira in Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre.
Intervention at the Semana Pedagogica at the Unidade Bosque, in Curitiba.
Meeting with civil society at Viraventos Escola Infantil, in Brasilia.
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