In Events, Inclusive Cities

A panel discussion on good practices for the Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Families in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, where three of the 40 Mexican signatories of the Venice Declaration are located, was organized on 26 August, with the participation of 32 of the 46 municipalities and their mayors, or members of the municipalities staff, including the local systems for Desarrollo Integral de la Familia, a public agency that deals with family needs in every level of the country’s government.

The panel was co-organized by the municipality of Irapuato, vicepresident of the Mexican Senate Ale ‘Wera’ Reynoso, IAPF and IFFD. The program included a keynote speech by Ignacio Socias, another one by Juan Antonio Lopez Baljarg, and a roundtable with good practices from different territories as a result of the implementation of the Venice Declaration.

In his speech, Ignacio Socias said that “the list of issues included in the Venice Declaration is far from being exhaustive, but it demonstrates some of the ways in which we often overlook or take for granted families and their unique needs in cities. Often it’s about simply providing more choice where we’ve favored one transportation option or housing style to the detriment of the greater good.”

All the panelists shared their experience with short- and long-term goals by joining the Venice Declaration through the municipal DIF, within the context of the Sustainable Development Agenda.

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