Strathmore University Law School, in conjunction with the Voice of the Family in Africa International, hosted the Africa Preparatory Conference in Nairobi (Kenya) from Thursday, 23 to Friday, 24 January 2014, in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family. The conference brought together policy makers, scholars and civil society organisations to present research papers and good practices.

Welcoming Remarks

Luis G. Franceschi holds an LL.B (UCAB), LL.M (Nairobi) and LL.D (Navarre) with a ‘Cum Laude’ thesis. He has been a Constitutional, International and Civil Law lecturer. He is chairman of the Board of the Ethics Institute of East Africa and chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Annual Ethics Conferences since 2004. He is also chairman of A.L.L. Foundation and an adjunct faculty member at Strathmore Business School. He has published more than a dozen peer reviewed articles and books on topics relating to law and ethics. He has been a Governing Council Delegate and the Legal Advisor to the President of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme, where he co-drafted the UN Nairobi Declaration. He was also a Country Representative at the 7th and the 4th Global Training Program on Environmental Law & Policy (United Nations Environment Program – 2005 and 1999 respectively). He is a certified ISO auditor. Dr Franceschi is also a Member of the team of experts Peer Reviewers of the Council of Legal Education (Kenya) and a Consultant for the Ministry o f Justice, National Cohesion and Constitution al Affairs, the Constitution Implementation Commission, the National Cohesion Commission and the National Economic and Social Council.
Introductory Remarks

Raymond Mutura is the President of the Voice of the Family in Africa International (VOFA) and of the Programme for Family Development (PFD), and Vice President of the English-speaking area of Africa in IFFD. He is currently pursuing a Masters in Applied Philosophy & Ethics – School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Strathmore University. Post Graduate Diploma in Marriage Education and Family, Institute of Advanced Family Studies, Open University of Catalunya, Barcelona Spain. Masters in Information Technology (Network Engineering & IT Projects Management Option), 2003, Charles Stuart University (Australia). Founder, CROWF in 2006. Pioneer in setting up the Program for Family Development (PFD) in SBS, he presently runs different courses throughout the country. He is the General Manager in the Software Development Unit of Fintech.
The 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family

Renata Kaczmarska is the Focal Point, UN Programme on the Family Division for Social Policy and Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). T he primary activities of the Focal Point on the Family are to provide substantive servicing in the areas of family and family policy to United Nations intergovernmental bodies, particularly the General Assembly, Commission for Social Development and the Economic and Social Council; promote the realization of the objectives of the International Year of the Family; promote the integration of a family perspective into policy-making at the national, regional and international levels; exchange expertise and experiences, disseminate information and support networking on family issues; support family research and diagnostic studies; encourage and support coordination o n family policies and programmes within national governments and within the United Nations system; provide technical assistance and capacity-building support to developing country Governments, at their request, in the area of the family; and liaise and dialogue with Governments, civil society and the private sector on family issues.
Women in the Judiciary: work-life balance

The Hon. Lady Justice Jamila Mohammed is currently a Judge in the Court of Appeal. She served as a Judge of the Interim Independent Constitutional Dispute Resolution Court. She has practised law for over 20 years, specializing in Human Rights, Constitutional, Commercial, Environmental and Property Law. She is an Arbitrator and Mediator. She holds a master’s degree in Environmental Planning and Management from the University of Nairobi, and has completed course work for a second master’s degree in Armed Conflict and Peace Studies. She is registering for a doctoral degree. She has served as the Vice Chairperson of FIDA (K) and the Vice-Chairperson of the National Committee on the Prevention of Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity and all forms of Discrimination, established under the framework of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region.
The Legal Dispensation of the Family

Charles Kanjama is a graduate of law (LL.B) Hon s from the University of Nairobi. He was admitted to the bar in 2003. He is a qualified accountant having attained full accounting qualifications CPA (K) and CPS (K). H e joined the firm of Kibet & Company Advocates for pupilage and thereafter moved to the firm of Ochieng, Onyango, Kibet & Ohaga to practice as an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, after which he left to form Muma & Kanjama Advocates. He has a Higher Diploma in Information Technology with the Institute for the Management of Information Systems (IMIS). He has also worked as a Legal Manager/ Editor of Law Africa Publishing Ltd and as a Business Law Lecturer at Strathmore University. He has great experience in all branches of Commercial Law, including Banking & Insurance, Employment Law, Public Law Litigation, Criminal Law, Succession Law, Family Law and Children, Building Construction, General Contract, Tort Law-Lib el and General Tort, Intellectual Property and Conveyancing work. He is a currently pursuing his masters degree at the University of Nairobi and has written extensively on numerous aspects of Civil Procedure Environmental Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, International Institutions and Property including Intellectual Property . He is a Company Director at Pacis Insurance, an Administrator at the Strathmore Education Trust, a member of the Law Society of Kenya Legislation and Law Reform Committee and a Company Secretary in practice.
The Role of Civil Society in the Celebration of the 20th Anniversary

Ignacio Socías is Director General of The International Institute for Family Research – The Family Watch, a think tank committed to researching the family and finding solutions to the problems it faces. The Institute uses inter-disciplinary research to analyse the social context families find themselves in today. Findings are presented in the form of reports, proposals and initiatives that aim to deepen society’s knowledge of the family and encourage its fair treatment based on the functions it performs in society. He is also Director of Communication and International Relations of the International Federation for Family Development, an umbrella organization for Family Enrichment Programs that currently operate in 65 countries on the five continents, directly benefit over 50,000 people annually and has been granted reclassification of the consultative status from special to general by the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. He also represents IFFD in the FamiliesAndSocieties 7FP European Commission Project.
Aristotelian thought on the family

Dr. George N. Njenga is the current and founding Dean of Strathmore Business School. Presently, he is the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research and Quality Assurance and the Academic Director for the SBS Advanced Management Program. He is also a senior lecturer at Strathmore University in Ethics and Leadership. He has a PhD in Political Philosophy from the University of Navarra, Spain. He has a Masters in Governance and Culture of Institutions from the same University. Dr. Njenga also has a Masters in Business Administration and is a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya. He was the Director of the Strathmore School of Accountancy in 2002-2005. Whilst in that position, he successfully set up the Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) and Certified Information Systems Audit Program (CISA) formal training programs for the first time in Kenya. He helped initiate the first successful School of Finance and Banking in Kigali, Rwanda. He worked as a senior auditor at Ernst and Young Kenya between 1 989 and 1992. He was also the Strathmore College Financial Manager for four years, 1 992-1996. Since 1992 he has held other positions in Strathmore University. Specifically, Administrator, Human Resource Director and Director of the School of Accountancy. He has served as a trustee for the Universities Provident Fund Scheme and has been a member of the University Management Board and Academic Council. He is a founding board member of the Association of African Business Schools and an International advisory board member of Global Business Schools Network. He is a Member of the Board of Directors of Pacis Insurance Company.
Poverty Reduction: Confronting Family Poverty and Social Exclusion – Families at Risk and Social Protection
– Children at Risk: Lucy Mungai, Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist, University of Nairobi.
– Empowering the Young Woman in Rural Areas – The Kimlea Experience: Susan Kinyua, Kianda Foundation.
Moderator: Thomas Mundia.
Employment and Conducive Work Environment: Ensuring Work-Family Balance – The Family and the Economy
– Initiatives in the Work Place to Promote Work-Family Balance: Dr. Caesar Mwangi, Managing Director Sasini Ltd.
– Laws and Clauses in the Constitution that Affect Work and Family: Catherine Mumma, Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution.
– Potential Impact of MAPE on Shaping Work-Family Principles: John Branya, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Ethics, Strathmore University.
– James M. Muia, Secretary, National Economic Social Council Kenya.
Moderator: Raymond Mutura.
Presentation of Caesar Mwangi…
Presentation of James M. Muia…
Work, Fertility and the Transition to Parenthood: Trends and their Impact on Work and Family Agenda
– Fertility and Its Impact on Work and Family: Njoki Fernandes, Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist.
– Family Health and Ensuring Sustainable Health Management Especially in Fertility: Baltirol Kigen, Ministry of Health.
– Work, Fertility and Parenthood: James Nyiha, Managing Partner, Nyiha, Mukoma & Co Advocates.
Moderator: Raymond Mutura.
Presentation of Njoki Fernandes…
Role of the Extended Family
– Family Courses in Kenya – The Programme for Family Development: Ann Kimani, Shani Angaza.
– The International Federation for Family Development – An Overview: Ignacio Socias, IFFD.
– The Role of Education towards Intergenerational Solidarity: Stephen N. Karanja, Student Mentoring Services, Strathmore University.
Moderator: Thomas Mundia.