

Time (CET) Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3
Theme Families and
New Technologies
Families and
Families in the
Post-pandemic Era
Moderator Rémy Verlyck
Familles Durables (France)
Amanda Oliveira
Family Talks (Brazil)
Marcin Chrusciel
Projekt PL (Poland)
Join (Virtual) Room
Welcoming Speech
Ignacio Socias
Int. Relations, IFFD
Opening Speech
Nora Urrea
Vice-President, IFFD
Opening Speech
Olivier Yao
Global President, IFFD


Families and Technology: International Focus Group Findings
Jessica Navarro
Research Assistant, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Fighting Loneliness and Promoting Intergenerational Solidarity in our cities
Rens Martijn
Researcher and International Coordinator, Research Centre Innovations in Care, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Looking beyond COVID-19: Strengthening Family Support Services across the OECD
Olivier Thévenon
Head of Child Well-Being Unit, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) WISE Centre
Digital Technologies and Parenting Education
Susan Walker
Associate Professor, Department of Family Social
Science, University of Minnesota
Megatrends and Families: The Impact of Urbanization
Bahira Trask
Professor & Chair, Department of
Human Development & Family Sciences,
University of Delaware
Renewing and Reenvisioning the Social Care Sector
Mary Daly
Professor, Department of Social Policy and Intervention,
University of Oxford
Interventions & Good Practices


The Future of New Technologies in the Family
Guillaume Desveaux
Digital sector executive,
Hub France IA
The Cities of the Future
Wilson Levy
Director of the Postgraduate Program in Sustainable and Smarts Cities, UNINOVE
The Role of Entrepreneurs in a Family-responsive Society
Adam Zych
President, Projekt PL
Are We in a State of Emergency on Digital Issues?
Pierre Verlyck
Director General,
POP School (France)
Families Policies at a Regional Level
Luciano Malfer
Head of the Regional Agency for Family, Natality and Youth Policies, Trento (Italy)
Family-friendly Initiatives in the Private Sector
Michal Michalski
Director, Institute of Knowledge on Family and Society (Poland)
Interactive Discussion
Outcomes of the Day


  • Venue

Zoom Virtual Room:  LINK
Meeting ID: NUMBER

  • Language

The Workshop will be conducted entirely in English language.

  • Connection

Once you get into the meeting, make sure you have the exact same name you provided and is confirmed in the acceptance email.

Make sure you have a strong and stable connection, Ethernet connection is preferred.

Use the chat area for technical assistance or contact un@iffd.org for additional support.

  • Security

We will not accept a different name than the one registered in the meeting.

Protect your sensitive information on your screen and in the room.

  • Etiquette

Be on time and in a well-lighted place. Avoid messy backgrounds.

While joining the meeting, remain muted and turn off your camera.

Please, try not to eat or snack and to dress properly.

Silence your phone and avoid taking pictures or making recordings.

Note: The sessions will be recorded and a picture of all the meeting attendees will be taken.


The main purpose of the Workshop is the elaboration of an ADVOCACY PLAN for each one of the three topics. See more about ADVOCACY PLAN below.

In order to create a complete ADVOCACY PLAN, the following questions will be answered for each topic along the day by Participants:

1.- Establish measurable objectives.

2.- Define key messages.

3.- Determine the communication activities to deliver key messages.

4.- Decide what resources are necessary to complete each activity.

5.- Establish a timeline and responsible party for each activity.

6.- Fix how to evaluate whether you have reached your objectives.


There will be THREE SESSIONS every day:

– Lectures
– Interventions & Good Practices
– Interactive Discussion

The two FIRST SESSIONS (Lectures and Interventions & Good Practices ) are divided in three parts:

– Interventions of the speakers (Zoom)
– Questions to speakers (Zoom)
– Inputs for the ADVOCACY PLAN (Slido)

The THIRD SESSION (Interactive Discussion) will consist of:

– Presentation of a consolidated draft ADVOCACY PLAN upon ideas gathered from Slido by Facilitators.
 – Discussion and enrichment of the consolidated draft ADVOCACY PLAN by Participants.
 – Elaboration of the outcome document of the topic for the day by the Moderator.


The starting point of each topic can be found in the following links:

Wed, September 1st: Families and New Technologies (p. 47-50).

Thu, September 2nd: Families and Urbanization (nn. 1-10).

Fri, September 3rd: Families in the Post-pandemic Era: (p. 6-9; 25-26)


A Certificate will be provided to each participant upon attendance of at least 85% of the sessions.

Participants who receive the certificate will have the opportunity to join the  International Advocacy Network through the Coordinators of each group.

The finalized ADVOCACY PLAN for each day will be available for participants HERE.



You are expected to be active during all sessions.

When taking the floor, state your name and keep it shorter than 1 min.

When asking a question to a speaker:

– Make it short and concrete.
– Write it on the Chat area of Zoom.

When contributing to the ADVOCACY PLAN:

– Make short and concrete inputs by writing them on the “Slido” provided link: LINK (Note: State your name)
– Vote the best inputs given by others.

GROUPS have been created to facilitate those in the same area to jointly attend the sessions and foster interaction during the days of the Workshop, as well as to promote teamwork and network building in the future.

When attending the Workshop together is not possible, networking is still encouraged both during and after the celebration of the Workshop.


1.- Rémy V.: Wednesday, September 1st.
2.- Amanda O.: Thursday, September 2nd.
3.- Marcin C.: Friday, September 3rd.

The role of the moderators will be:

– Start and close every session.

Sessions 1-2:

– Introduce every speaker and thank him when they finish.
– Select 2-3 questions for every speaker and invite those who wrote them in the chatbox to open their cams and make them.
– Remind questions to be replied to in Slido and encourage to make inputs and vote the inputs of others.

Sessions 3:

– Give the floor to each facilitator to read and explain their draft proposal (4-5 mins. x 6 facilitators)
– Give the floor to participants for comments or suggestions to the draft proposal (1 min. each)
– Include the comments or suggestions to produce a final outcome of the day.


1.- Coen V.: Establish measurable objectives.
2.- Balász K.: Define key messages.
3.- José Ricardo A.: Determine the communication activities to deliver key messages.
4.- Mateusz S.: Decide what resources are necessary to complete each activity.
5.- Charles A.: Establish a timeline and responsible party for each activity.
6.- Chiara L.: Fix how to evaluate whether you have reached your objectives.

The role of the facilitators will be:

– During Sessions 1-2, each facilitator will create out of the Slido inputs, an answer to 1 of the 6 agreed questions related to the topic of the day.
– During Session 3, to read and explain the answer created collaboratively.


1.- Ignacio S.: Group 2, Group 4, Group 10, Group 11, Group 15
2.- Alex V.: Group 1, Group 9, Group 13
3.- Remy V.: Group 3, Group 8, Group 12
4.- Rodolfo B.: Group 5, Group 14
5.- Charles A.: Group 6, Group 7

The role of the facilitators will be:

– Follow-up on the work after the Workshop.
– Explore ways of collaboration to finalize the ADVOCACY PLAN and disseminate it through articles, statements, projects and communication strategy.



Getting powerful individuals or organizations to make big changes that may not be in their short-term interest, working in the public eye and standing for a cause that is worth the fight.

Find out ahead of time where the major difficulties may lie, and to avoid surprises. Clearly define the strategy goals and steps to achieve them. If there is no strategy it can end up in wasting valuable energy, miss some opportunities, perhaps even antagonize people you need to keep on your side.


The ADVOCACY PLAN should not exceed 300 words.