Ensuring Mental Health through Parenting Support
Innovating for families and a renewed social pact
Wednesday, April 9th, 2025 – 1:15pm
Virtual Room from UN Headquarters NYC
As the global community works toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3, “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages,” the importance of parenting support and mental health cannot be overstated. Parenting plays a critical role in shaping child development and overall well-being, while mental health influences both individual and societal outcomes. Strengthening these interconnected areas is essential for building resilient communities and fostering sustainable demographic trends.
This event will highlight evidence-based strategies and policy recommendations to enhance parenting support and mental health services. Research consistently demonstrates that positive parenting practices contribute to improved mental health outcomes for children, while family structures provide a foundation of security, consistent routines, and emotional support — essential elements for healthy development. [1]
Recognizing the critical role of parents and caregivers, Member States have affirmed that children, for their full and harmonious development, should grow up in a healthy family environment where their best interests are prioritized. Strengthening families’ and caregivers’ capacities to provide care and a safe and nurturing environment is essential, and social protection policies play a key role in ensuring they have the necessary resources and support.[2]
Investing in parenting support and mental health services is then fundamental to achieving SDG 3 and building stronger, healthier societies. This event will foster dialogue, share best practices, and mobilize commitments to advance global well-being through family-centered policies and interventions. Looking ahead to the II World Summit for Social Development, we must continue to explore the latest research, successful policies, and innovative strategies that, break cycles of violence and neglect [3], promote positive caregiver-child interactions, encourage attendance at routine health visits, support positive social norms that nurture and protect children [4], enhance early childhood development and long-term well-being, improve mental health and resilience for both children and caregivers, deliver cost-effective, sustainable benefits for social development. [5]
By prioritizing parenting support and mental health, we can create healthier generations, strengthen social structures, and drive meaningful progress toward a more sustainable future.
[1] BREINER H., GADSDEN VL., (2016); Parenting Matters: Supporting Parents of Children Ages 0-8, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK402020/.
[2] UN General Assembly Resolution on the Observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2024, undocs.org/A/RES/79/150
[3] WHO, WHO guidelines and handbook on parenting interventions to prevent maltreatment and enhance parent–child relationships with children aged 0–17 years, https://www.who.int/teams/social-determinants-of-health/violence-prevention/parenting-guidelines
[4] Global Initiative to Support Parents, https://support-parents.org/about/
[5] ROTHWELL, J. (2024); GALLUP, The Quality of Parent-Child Relationships in U.S. Families, https://news.gallup.com/poll/548381/quality-parent-child-relationships-families.aspx
AGENDA (Draft)
Welcoming Remarks
Interactive Discussion
Margo Hilbrecht
Executive Director
Vanier Institute
Erica Komisar
Founder & President
Komisar Training Consultants
Mariana Azcárraga
Medica Health Center
Kyong-Ah Kwon
Associate Professor
University of Oklahoma
Francisca Tettevie Lawson
Graduate Research Assistant
University Nebraska-Lincoln