147. Work Family Balance
The European Presidency has recently requested an explanatory opinion on ‘Ensuring a needs-based work-life balance for all: How adequate flexible working conditions can support intergenerational [...]
Time for sharing family traditions
“Children really respond to routines and rituals,” Fivush says.“The holidays provide both. They are routine in that they are repeated annually, but they’re also special. The planning and [...]
USA: Family Unfriendly?
How America’s family-unfriendly culture is deterring couples from having children, how overparenting and unattainable standards in childrearing have made family life appear unappealing, and how a [...]
Time for Family, to connect, to care
As we approach the close of another year, we would like to take a moment to extend our heartfelt greetings and warmest wishes to all of you. Christmas is a time of joy, reflection, and gratitude, [...]
Christmas Holidays: Time for Family Only
The Christmas holiday season is widely celebrated around the world, with traditions and customs varying across different cultures and religions. It is a time for families to come together, share [...]
WHO: Adolescents and declining family support in Europe
A new report by WHO/Europe and the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study has revealed alarming declines in social support for adolescents across Europe, central Asia and Canada. [...]
China: Lack of real fertility incentives while crisis deepens
China’s efforts to bolster birth rates have yet to address the core reasons for their rapid decline, according to analysts. Even though the country started easing its stringent one-child policy [...]
UN General Assembly Resolution on Family approved without a vote
The “Family Resolution” (draft titled “The observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2024, undocs.org/A/C.3/79/L.12/Rev.1) was approved [...]