In Events, Inclusive Cities
5th Annual Technical Meeting — Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Families (Online)




Within urban settlements, an unprecedented change of family life and structure has occurred in the past decades. The shift of nuclear family structure, the rise of single-parent families, the increasing role of women in the workforce correlated to a growing childcare demand, and the isolation of the elderly are now well-known phenomena.

Considering these challenges and taking into account that 2024 marks the 30th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family (IYF+30), the Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Families Project is organizing this 5th Annual Technical Meeting, 6-7 November 2024.

Signatories of the Venice Declaration, as part of the ICSF Project, are invited to present selected good practices on social policies with a family perspective. Presenters are urban development technicians that design, implement and evaluate policies with a family perspective as an effective way to follow-up on the Venice Declaration.

The outcome of the Meeting includes an action plan with policy recommendations and good practices for all the Venice Declaration Signatories. It is a key capacity-building instrument to make progress on the Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Families Project. It will focus on the 30th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2024 and the Preparations of the World Social Summit.

The Meeting will also explore,
– The Annual Monitoring Report submission, improvement and update.
– The Good Practices Platform as a useful tool to share good practices on social family policies among Signatories.
– The Challenges and Opportunities on how Signatories understand and adapt themselves to ensure resilient and healthy family units in urban settlements.


Event Structure

The event will focus on advancing the Inclusive Cities and Sustainable Families Project and the Venice Declaration. In particular, we will discuss the highlights of the Annual Monitoring Report, which will be submitted to the United Nations this year and we will explore better ways to follow-up on the Venice Declaration thanks to recommendations from already Good Practices developed by various signatories around the globe. 

To ensure a smooth and productive session, we would like to outline the guidelines for your participation:

Roundtable Session Speakers

  • Each speaker will have 6 minutes to deliver their intervention.
  • Kindly adhere to the time limit to ensure all participants can contribute effectively.
  • If you are a speaker of the Roundtable, please confirm your participation and let us know if you have any further questions.

Good Practices Exchange Presenters

  • Each speaker will have 7 minutes for their presentation, followed by an additional 3 minutes for recommendations.
  • Your recommendations are crucial as they will contribute to an outcome document aimed at advancing the Venice Declaration.
  • If you are one of the speakers and presenters of Good Practices on behalf of your Signatory, please let us know any questions you may have.

Presentation Submission

  • We kindly request that you submit your presentations and any audiovisual materials by October 31st. Please send them to

Technical Preparations

  • Please connect to the Zoom meeting at least 15 minutes prior to the start to test your audio, video, and presentation setup.


  • An outcome document will be created from the best recommendations during the event, which will help shape the future of the Venice Declaration.
  • We will use Slido for ideas selection, where participants will choose the best recommendations from each session. This will ensure a participatory and transparent process.
  • Every participant can collaborate with recommendations and specially the Good Practices Speakers/Presenters are meant to do it. Please, familiarize with the already open collaborative space towards the final outcome documents. Remember to add your name in case we have to inquiry further at:
  • Good Practices Exchange A: New Technologies (2) and Education (3) 

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