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World leaders met at UN Headquarters in New York this Sunday where they adopted the potentially game-changing Pact for the Future by consensus, with Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Iran, Nicaragua and Syria holding out due to sovereignty claims. The centrepiece of the Summit of the Future is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine the multilateral system and steer humanity on a new course to meet existing commitments and solve long-term challenges.

The “Pact for the Future” emphasizes the central role of family-friendly policies in fostering social and economic development for all generations. These policies are designed to support mothers, fathers, children, and grandparents by ensuring access to essential services like healthcare, education, and social protection. The Pact recognizes that strong family units are essential in shaping future generations and achieving sustainable development goals, particularly in addressing issues like poverty, inequality, and social inclusion. The resiliency and foresight strategic planning are integral part of the Pact of the Future and have been IFFD’s approach to many challenges faced by families worldwide.

Family-oriented legislation is also highlighted as crucial for protecting the rights and well-being of families, especially those in vulnerable situations. By promoting gender equality, shared responsibilities at home, and policies that recognize unpaid care work, the Pact aims to strengthen families’ capacities to thrive. It acknowledges the challenges faced by caregivers, particularly mothers, and stresses the importance of creating supportive environments for work-family balance and early childhood development.

Furthermore, the Pact calls for targeted actions to empower children and young people within families, ensuring their full potential through family-oriented strategies. This includes implementing education, health, and social protection systems that cater to the diverse needs of children and youth, including girls and those in vulnerable settings. Family-friendly policies are positioned as key drivers of social cohesion and the long-term sustainability of communities, as they ensure intergenerational support and shared responsibilities.

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