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Youth Perspectives in the Summit of the Future

The Summit of the Future conveyed by the United Nations is scheduled to take place alongside the General Assembly this coming week of September 2024. The Summit of the Future is meant to address long-term global challenges such as inequality, climate change, and social justice. It aims to build on the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and offer innovative solutions for a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world. Key themes for the summit include:

Strengthening global governance; Promoting inclusive economic growth; Addressing climate change and environmental challenges; Advancing human rights and gender equality; Supporting vulnerable groups, including youth, older persons, and migrants.

Importance of Family Policies and Youth Perspectives

The International Federation for Family Development has always been at the forefront of the promotion of family policies and youth perspectives as crucial social development. In this regards, they are crucial to the Summit of the Future as they are central to achieving sustainable development, social cohesion, and long-term economic stability.

1. Family Policies

Families are fundamental social units that provide economic, emotional, and social support across generations. As the International Advocacy Workshop celebrated in Warsaw on September 2024 highlighted, advocacy for family-friendly policies—such as those supporting older persons, migrants, and youth integration—can strengthen social cohesion. Key recommendations from the workshop include:

Intergenerational Solidarity: Promoting policies that integrate older persons into the workforce and provide care systems that reduce the burden on families.
Work-Family Balance: Ensuring parental leave, support for unpaid caregivers, and flexible working arrangements to strengthen family bonds and economic stability.
Migrant Family Reunification: Advocating for policies that help migrant families stay together, supporting integration and social inclusion.

These proposals emphasize that policies centered on the family are essential for addressing issues such as aging populations, migration, and youth unemployment, making them highly relevant for the Summit of the Future.

2. Youth Perspectives

Youth represent a critical demographic for the future of global development. At the International Advocacy Workshop, participants stressed the importance of youth inclusion in policy-making and economic opportunities. The key points related to youth integration include:

Youth Employment and Education: Proposals focused on improving access to quality education and creating job opportunities for young people to ensure financial stability and reduce social inequalities.
Youth Participation in Governance: Encouraging young people to take active roles in decision-making processes ensures policies are future-focused and reflective of their needs.
Mental Health and Social Services: Providing support to ensure the well-being of youth within their families contributes to healthier societies overall.

At the Summit of the Future, youth perspectives will be crucial for shaping inclusive, long-term policies that address global challenges, including economic inequality, unemployment, and climate action.

How the International Advocacy Workshop Contributes

The advocacy plans developed during the International Advocacy Workshop 2024—focused on older persons’ participation, youth integration, and migrant inclusion—align with the Summit of the Future’s objectives. These plans advocate for family-centered solutions, recognizing the family as a fundamental social structure that supports individuals across generations, providing resilience in the face of global challenges. By highlighting the needs of youth, older persons, and migrants, these advocacy plans provide actionable insights for global leaders to craft family-friendly policies that support sustainable development and social justice.

In sum, the Summit of the Future will benefit from these family-oriented proposals, helping ensure a more inclusive, resilient, and equitable global future

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