Third Technical Meeting
of the Project Signatories
30th-31st March, 1st April 2022

Organized by
In partnership with
Kindly hosted by
The third technical meeting of the Venice Declaration Signatories project was programmed in hybrid mode. During 3 days, representatives of signatories presented the best practices achieved during the past year, and a final set of conclusions and recommendations is set to be included in the annual monitoring report of Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Families.
After two years of pandemic, families have shown their central place in local development through many ways, and those practices confirm and consolidate the need for implementing the ten points of the Venice Declaration.
The organizers want to express their gratitude to the hosts of this meeting for their contribution to its success.
Representatives of the signatories at the end of the first day.
Wednesday, March 30
European Union Parliament – Room PHS3C050
High Level Panel: Where are we?
– Roberto Ciambetti, President of the Regional Council of Veneto.
– Ignacio Socias, Director of International Relations of IFFD.
– Piotr Franciszek Całbecki, Marshall of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region.
– Paolo Borchia, Member of the European Parliament, Veneto Region.
Technical Panels
– Gianna Zamaro, Director of Central Directorate for health, social policies and disability, Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia-Giulia.
– Sylwia Tubielewicz-Olejnik, Head of Department, Department of Foreign Affairs and Economic Development, Region of Kujawsko-Pomorskie.
– Lilian Kitz. Policy Officer, Department for Social Affairs, Government of Carinthia
– Lucas Roberto Paredes Santos. International Affairs Advisor, City of São Paulo.
High Level Panel: Where are we going?
– Renata Kaczmarska, Focal Point on the Family, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations.
– Julio César Chavez, Mayor, Guadalupe (México)
Thursday, March 31
Representation office in Brussels of the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino.
Welcoming Ceremony
– Vesna Caminades. Head, Office Representation of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Bozen/South Tyrol.
– Katharina Lonardi. Head of Office. Office of the Trento Region.
Keynote Speech:
– Jean-Max Trouillet. Director of the Department of Social Services, Bouches-Du-Rhône.
Technical Panels
– Pasquale Borsellino, Director of family, minors, youth and civil service, Social Services Department, Veneto Region.
– Simona Siotto. Municipal councilor of culture and environment, City of Vicenza.
– Julio César Chavez, Mayor, Guadalupe.
– Mario Eduardo García Jiménez. Integral Family Development (DIF), Chihuahua.
– Pedro Sanches de Frias, International Affairs Advisor, São Paulo City.
Closing Remarks
– Nancy de la Sierra Arámburu, Coordinator of Grupo Plural and Chair of the Committee on International Organizations from the Senate of the Republic, Mexico.
Friday, April 1
Veneto Region Brussels Office
Welcoming Ceremony
– Annalisa Bisson, Director of International Relations of the Veneto Region.
Discussion of the outcome document
Closing Remarks
– Elena Curtopassi, Veneto Region Brussels Office.