#IFFDBriefing #IFFDAwards

Co-organized by the Permanent Missions of Ecuador,
Malaysia, the State of Qatar and Kenya to the UN,
the International Federation for Family Development,
UN-Habitat and UN-DESA Division for Inclusive Social Development,
with the participation of the Doha International Family Institute.
Our First Home
Adequate Housing and Family Formation
Thursday, February 13th, 2020
1.15-2.30 pm – Conference Room 12
United Nations Headquarters
New York, NY

From left to right, Fabián García, first secretary of the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the UN; Renata Kaczmarska, UN DESA Focal Point on the Family; Rispah Flora Maroko, Deputy Director for Social Development at the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Kenya; Francesca de Ferrari, Programme Management Officer at UN-Habitat; Daniela Bas, Director of UN DESA’s Division for Inclusive Social Development; H. E. Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani, Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations; Luís M. B. Cabral, professor of the Stern School of Business of New York University; Samira Nanda Sine, Regional Director of Common Sense Media; Luiz Alvaro Salles Aguiar de Menezes, Secretary for International Affairs at the Municipality of Sao Paulo; Mario Armella, World President of the International Federation for Family Development; Sharifa Al Emadi, Executive Director at Doha International Family Institute; Ignacio Socias, Director of International Relations at IFFD; and Azril Abd Aziz, Minister Counselor at the Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the UN.
Opening Remarks
Mr. Mario Armella
World President of the International Federation for Family Development
Mr. Azril Abd Aziz
Minister Counselor, Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the United Nations

Evidence-based Policy Recommendations
Supporting Family Formation and Adequate Housing
Luís M. B. Cabral
Stern School of Business of New York University
Before his present work, Cabral taught at IESE Business School, Yale University, University of California, Berkeley, London Business School and Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He has published over 40 papers in specialized economics journals and is the author of ‘Introduction to Industrial Organization’ (MIT Press, 2000). He served as Managing Editor of the Journal of Industrial Economics from 1999 to 2003. He is currently Co-Editor of the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy and a member of the Advisory Board of the International Journal of Industrial Organization. He was President of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics from 2009 to 2011.
Francesca de Ferrari
Programme Management Officer at UN-Habitat, New York
De Ferrari has been working in the Development and Humanitarian world for almost 2 decades. She is Civil Engineer as background, with Masters in Hydrology and Hydrogeology and International Development. She started her career in Colombia managing a recovery programme after a devastating earthquake. She worked with international NGOs , with OXFAM as Public Health Officer in Philippines in emergency response after typhoon and land slide. She worked with UNICEF as Chief of Water and Sanitation Department in El Salvador, as a Water and Sanitation and Emergency Specialist in Sudan and as Education and Water and Sanitation Specialist in Sierra Leone. She joined UN-HABITAT in May 2010 bringing with her broad field experience.
Luiz Alvaro Salles Aguiar de Menezes
Secretary for International Affairs at the Municipality of Sao Paulo
With a degree in Business with focus in Marketing from the Superior School of Advertising and Marketing and a post graduation in Strategic and Economic Management from the Getulio Vargas Foundation, Alvaro started working in the editorial market in 2003 in the State of Sao Paulo’s Official Press, where he was responsible for the Marketing sector until 2011. In 2012, he became part of the Brazilian Chamber of Books team as Institutional Projects Manager, responsible for organizing the tributes to Brazil offered in the international book fairs of Frankfurt (2013), Bologna (2014) and Paris (2015). In 2014, he became Executive Manager of Sao Paulo’s Biennial International Book Fair, and in 2015 International Relations Manager of the Brazilian Chamber of Books.
Ignacio Socias
Director of International Relations at IFFD
His job involves activities: with United Nations ECOSOC, UNICEF, UN Women and other agencies; in the European Union, through its participation in research and dissemination programmes; with local, regional and national governments of the countries where the Federation operates, sending regular information on family policies research and good practices, and evidence-based and result-oriented consultancy. He has promoted and organized the Global Project ‘SDGs and Families’, with the participation of experts from the five continents and the support of UNICEF and UN DESA, and the Global Project on ‘Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Families’, alliance of Cities from all over the world that aim to be responsive to urban family’s needs.
Statements – Q & A
IFFD Family Awards Ceremony
Common Sense Media
Presentation by
Viviana Gutierrez
Member of the IFFD International Board
Acceptation and Words of Appreciation by
Samira Nanda Sine
Regional Director, New York
Ministry of Labour & Social Protection of Kenya
Presentation by
Sharifa Al Emadi
Executive Director at Doha International Family Institute
Acceptation and Words of Appreciation by
Hon. Simon Chelugui
Cabinet Secretary
Closing Remarks
H. E. Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani
Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations
Ms. Daniela Bas
Director of United Nations DESA’s Division for Inclusive Social Development

The IFFD Briefing has been held at the UN Headquarters in New York for the
past eight years during the Session of the Commission for Social Development.
The IFFD Family Awards are also presented during the event to the
persons or territories distinguished by the promotion of family values.
This programme is subject to change without prior notice.
One of the most pressing challenges while forming a family is finding an adequate place to live. The formation period of a family is key to breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty, ensuring social inclusion and preventing various situations of vulnerability. That it is why the access to adequate housing is an essential requirement to set the basis for a sustainable family.For societies and economies to thrive, governments, the private sector and civil society need to support family formation, through family oriented policies ensuring adequate housing, as they set the foundations of their homes. Supporting these new homes, they help to balance and benefit both work and family life that typically provide three types of essential resources needed by parents and caregivers of young children: time, finances and services. Mutual investment by parents, businesses and the State in this critical phase of family formation lays the foundation for children’s success in school, adults’ success at work, the ability to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty, lifelong health, and prevent homelessnes. The event will gather various stakeholders in an effort to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate, safe and affordable housing for every family and prevent homelessness. It will highlight national, sub-national, and local strategies to tackle challenges as shortage of affordable housing; investment speculation in housing; unplanned and rapid urbanization, unemployment, family breakdown and lack of social protection systems including floors. |

1.- What are the main actors and challenges while finding the first family residence?2.- How can the State, the private sector and civil society contribute to ensure access to an adequate house? 3.- What are the benefits for every stakeholder while ensuring adequate housing? 4.- How should progress in housing be evaluated regarding housing regulations, financing and marginalization? |


Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 – 11:30 am – 12:45 pm – Conference Room 12
Doha Briefing
The Impact of Housing Instability on Families:
Investing in social protection systems and parenting programs
Co-organized by the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the UN,
the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs (Qatar),
UNDESA, UNICEF and the International Federation for Family Development (IFFD).

Thursday, February 13th, 2020 – 11:30 am -12:45 pm – Conference Room 12
Family Homelessness: Prevention and Solutions
Co-organized by UNDESA, UNANIMA International, International Federation for Family Development
and the NY NGO Committee on the Family.