Our 2019 International Advocacy Workshop was held in Budapest (Hungary), 2nd to 4th September 2019 for young professionals who are interested in family issues and want to gain experience in the work of International Organizations.
The Seminar had no cost for academic activities and meals offered during breaks, but the whole of travel and lodging costs were covered by participants. It brought together entry-level professionals or students of social studies/political sciences or a related field, who demonstrated a strong interest in family issues, as well as NOE, IFFD and other stakeholders staff. They came from diverse geographical, cultural, and academic backgrounds.
The course critically assessed the field of international human rights and development advocacy, its institutions, strategies, and key actors. It explored how domestic, regional, and agendas are set; the ethical and accountability dilemmas that arise and advocacy concerning a range of actors, including governments, international institutions and the private sector.
It consisted of an intensive three-day alternative educational program with diverse lectures, initiatives and interactive discussions:
– lectures: oral and audiovisual presentations usually presented by an expert or specialist. The purpose of a lecture is to convey critical information and theories and everyone is expected to listen carefully and take notes.
– initiatives: discussion groups led by a tutor. Participants are usually given assignments that may involve a presentation to the group or a written exercise besides participation in group discussion.
– interactive discussions: ‘hands on’ classes where everyone is expected to participate as part of their assessment in a physical and practical manner.
Evaluation is based on class participation and a final paper.

– Katalin Kardosne Gyurko, President, NOE (Hungary) – Petra Aczel, Director of the Institute of Behavioural Science and Communication Theory, Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary) – Gwyther Rees, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti Consultant and Associate Research Fellow at the University of York (Great Britain) – Gergely Mohay, Head of the Youth Department of the Ministry of Human Capacities – Jan Ledochowski, President, Plattform Christiedemokratie (Austria) – Regina Maroncelli, President, ELFAC – Madeleine Wallin, Secretary-General, FEFAF – Caroline Höglund, Vice-President, HARO (Sweden) – Andrew Mile, IFFD Hungary – Kinga Joo, Vice-President, NOE (Hungary) – Ignacio Socias, Director of International Relations, IFFD – Alex Vázquez, Permanent Representative to the UN, IFFD |

– Overarching family perspective
– Family formation and vulnerabilities
– The role of families and Early Childhood Development
– Family and the UN
– Young families and youth transitions
– Large families role and challenges
– Family-friendly policies and the civil society at the UN
– Youth Interventions for family strengthening
– Gender equality and job opportunities for parents

Sapientia Szerzetesi Hittudomanyi Foiskola
Piarista koz 1., 1052, Budapest, Hungary

This edition of the International Advocacy Workshop was co-organized by the Hungarian National Association of Large Families (NOE) and the International Federation for Family Development (IFFD).
NOE The National Association of Large Families (commonly abbreviated and used as NOE in Hungarian), was founded in 1987, aiming to offset the prejudices against large families in the society and fighting for measurements that can help families with children. Nowadays, NOE has about 70 000 members and more than 200 local organisations. IFFD The primary mission of IFFD is to support parents in their educational work within functioning families, helping them develop their full potential as educators of their children with no discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or origin and based in the conviction that this is an unavoidable task for parents, and it must have the recognition and support of institutions and social partners. |