Roundtable discussion with audience participation

Organized by the International Federation for Family Development (IFFD),
in partnership with Fundación Bancaria LaCaixa,
the collaboration of UNICEF,
the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA),
Consejería de Políticas Sociales y Familia de la Comunidad de Madrid
and the Dirección General de Servicios para la Familia y la Infancia of the Spanish government
Friday, 28 September 2018
11:30 am-13:00 pm – Auditorio de la Fundación Canal
Mateo Inurria,2
28036 Madrid
The event in 30 seconds
Opening Remarks
Miriam Rabaneda
Viceconsejera de Políticas Sociales y Familia
Comunidad de Madrid
María Teresa Patiño Lafuente
Directora General de Servicios para la Familia y la Infancia
Ministerio de Sanidad,Consumo y Bienestar Social
Family Policies in SDGs
Ignacio Socias
General Coordinator of the project
Director of International Relations
International Federation for Family Development (IFFD)
Families as active agents for
achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Renata Kaczmarska
Policy Specialist
Focal Point on the Family
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Rationale for undertaking the study and recommendations
for integrating family interests in social policy making
Dominic Richardson
Academic Coordinator of the project
Senior Education Specialist, UNICEF
Office of Research, Innocenti (Florence)
Statements & Q&A
Closing Remarks
Alberto San Juan
Director General de la Familia y el Menor
Comunidad de Madrid

1. Cross-cutting issues affecting family policy development for the achievement of SDG 1-5, 8 & 16.
2. Family policies and gender perspective.
3. Family well-being and development.
Programme in PDF (Spanish)…
Key Messages in PDF (Spanish)…
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